Debate / Philosophy –
How to start debating in the philosophy classroom
From Plato’s dialogues to medieval scholasticism to John Stuart Mill’s defense of free speech, there is an intimate historical relation between debate and philosophy. So why have debate clubs and philosophy classrooms become such separate worlds in contemporary schools?
This book presents a method that combines the argumentative
skills of debate education with central concepts in political philosophy, such as freedom, justice and equality. A practical guide for high school teachers that offers a new approach to fostering democratic values and engaged citizenship.
Floris Velema
Han van Ruler
Tomislav Reškovac
Floris Velema
Debbie Newman
Gijs van Oenen
Devin van den Berg
Miha Andrič
Natascha Kienstra
Kiki Varekamp
Corrado Soldato
Gorazd Jurman
Bojan Marjanovič
Graphic design
Paul Swagerman
Quinten Swagerman
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